Friday, May 25, 2012

Milkman's Reflections - Accepting Criticism

Milkman's Reflections - Accepting Criticism

The inability to accept criticism ranks high on our list of character defects and appears on most 4th step inventories. Many of us explode with anger and resentment at the slightest suggestion we may be wrong. Even though no one asked us to be perfect, or claimed to be perfect themselves, our hurt feelings make us strike back. Before we know it, we have a mini-war on our hands, and there will be no winners. How can we deal with this explosive feeling and avoid creating unhappiness for ourselves and others? Probably the best way is to see criticism as a tool for growth rather than a weapon of attack.

I for one seemed to always want to retaliate when someone criticized something I did, how I looked, talked or anything else about ME. Ya, it was always about me in those days. Today, I listen to any criticism, process it to see if I agree or disagree, and then move on, one way or the other without trying to retaliate with the person doing the criticism. It doesn't ALWAYS happen that way, but I'm getting better at it, lol.

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