Saturday, August 13, 2011

Milkman's Reflections - Aug 14 - What would you do.........

What would you do differently? Something to ponder on today
I have often wondered just what I would or could change in my past, IF, ever given the opportunity, lol. I think that if, like, the old saying goes: "If I only knew then........ what I know NOW". Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, what ever we did in the past, we cannot change. Maybe for some strange reason, that's a good thing. Let's just try and learn from the mistakes that we may have made in the past, and live our dreams today.
BUT, IF................. dream on.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Milkman's Reflections - Aug 13 - How Many meetings........

How Many meetings do we need?
Ever since getting into recovery, I always hear that meeting goers make it. I believe that, and I DO attend meetings.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Milkman's Reflections - Aug 12 - I miss the old me..

Anyone ever get this feeling?
"I miss the old me   
I've been sober for about 8 months now. It's friday night and everybodys going out partying. Sitting here alone I started to think of how much I miss the feeling of getting ready to go out. I know I won't do it, but I feel like I miss it. I know that for me to drink, is like taking poison. Because I know its going to lead me back to the horrible path I use to travel.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Milkman's Reflections - Aug 11 - The Complainer

It sure is easy to complain about things, especially other people. It's easy to see faults in others but they say what you see you don't like in others reflects back on how YOU are. Think twice before you complain. The following is from writings from others on the web but they sure tell it like it is. Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Monday, August 8, 2011

Milkman's Reflections - Aug 9 - Substitutes

This was a post from one of our members from 2007 but it hits home, as what this man says was true for me also. My subsitute from my addictions was learning computers and designing and maintaining recovery sites for the last 7 years and plan on continuing as long as I can.

Substitutes: ...............

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Milkman's Reflections -Aug 8- Feelings

Lately I have had some mixed feelings about some of the things going on in my life so I went to an article written by Zentai, part of a collection given to me for publication about recovery topics, and after reading one of the articles I came up with this summary. Hope it helps someone else as it helped me.

Financial Stress in Recovery

Financial Stress in Recovery

How do you deal with financial stress, after you get clean and sober? Man, this was a major concern for me to deal with after being released from my program 9 years ago. My past was a financial disaster!!! I owed the government, (State and Federal) close to $40,000.00, no credit, no car, couldn't get a bank account because of all the bad checks I wrote in the past, and basically, didn't have a pot to piss in.