Friday, August 12, 2011

Milkman's Reflections - Aug 13 - How Many meetings........

How Many meetings do we need?
Ever since getting into recovery, I always hear that meeting goers make it. I believe that, and I DO attend meetings.
Just not as many as I did when I first got into recovery. I hear about a lot of "old timers", still going to 7-10 meetings or more a week, EVEN with 10 + years clean/sober. I'm coming up on 11 years in a couple of months, and I don't feel that I need that many meetings in order to stay clean and sober. I feel comfortable in my sobriety, no urges to drink or use, and just plain don't put a lot on making a lot of meetings.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not AGAINST meetings, and I get a lot out of them, when I DO attend. I do my best to make at least one a week, but sometimes due to family and work commitments, it may be every two weeks. I also talk to other alcoholics and addicts quite frequently, and being involved with online recovery, I feel comfortable that I'm getting what I need to stay clean and sober, and I feel I'm doing what I can to help others.
There ARE things in my life that I need to change, and I'm aware of them. I pray a lot and get in touch with my higher power (GOD), and do my best to live the 12 step program. SO............... I guess the bottom line IS............. Go to as many meetings as you think you need. But............ stay involved in your program of recovery.
Anyone else got anything to say about Meetings?
Hear what some of our members thought about this question..............

I believe that u need to do what u feel U NEED TO DO. theres no regulations on how many u go to, its totally up to u. personally the last meeting i went to was over 12 years ago. i spent alot of time the first 3 years of the last 5 goin to online meetings and have learned alot. i just didnt like goin ... plain and simple. i think that if u have the desire and u like goin to meetings, u should go as often as u feel like it .. or think u need to.
I probably don't NEED more than a couple meetings a month. I'm just not sure which two I need, so I go to a couple a week. Besides, I owe a debt to all those who were at lots more meetings than THEY "needed" when I got to A.A. and needed THEM! As for those old timers who make a meeting a day, I know lots in my area that do the same thing. Most are retired and it's their primary social activity, and since they are in a position to attend daily, they take that opportunity to be there for the new ones. hugs all ~~ Julie
I feel comfortable in my sobriety. Those words are kinda scary to me. Not that I don't feel ok.. because I do. Yet, I have seen too many "comfortable" people... die lately. I am like Jules... I don't know which two meetings I may I just keep going... I don't do 7-10 meetings a week anymore either... but I do have a very close contact ( daily) with other alcoholics in my group. We talk every day. I remember also that they were there FOR me... I have the NEED to be there for them now. Dun
I believe and so it's suggested my real purpose is to be of maximum benifit to God and my fellow human beings. Where ever that takes me is where I go. Online, my home group, church, my neighborhood, P.A.L. sports center etc. I've learned more about remaining sober from mowing lawns than I have in some meetings I've attended. If I "need" a meeting, I'm past the need for an inventory.
I belong to a group which means I get to go at least once a week but most of the time it is two a week. I have been around for 19yrs. There was a time where I thought I could just go when I felt I needed to. What happened to me was I wouldn't go for the longest time and it affected my sobriety which is more than not drinking. My stinkin thinking came back as well as my defects. I can only speak for myself and my old timer friends when I say f2f meetings are really important and should not be taken for granted. It is what sobered me up at the beginning and what will keep me sober God willing until the day I die. Please take note it is my opinion only. God Bless MAGGIE
I'm not getting to as many meetings as I should being so early in sobriety... but I read the big book and talk to another alcoholic every day... my sponsor back home required 3 meetings a week, and I usually went to 5 or 6 a week. Since I've moved I've only made it to 2 in the last 3 weeks... Definitely should get to more than that, but I don't feel I NEED a meeting every day when I'm using my tools outside of meetings.
Need is the key word. I don't need meetings, I want meetings. Many times I have heard a newcomer ask, "How long do I have to go to these meetings?" The answer is always the same.... Keep coming to meetings until you want to. I startled a few of my AA's at this mornings Serenity at Seven meeting. I said I don't need AA. Eye's popping out............ I said I want AA. AA is not the only way to sobriety. Religeous experiences can help some people. Others may get sober through therapy or many other methods. AA does not claim to have a monopoly on the Only Way to keep sobriety. AA has a method that has worked for many. The key to AA's success is it's Open mindedness. I try to stay honest, open minded daily, keep a conscious contact with my higher power, and to help when needed. My attendance at meetings is a pleasure for me. I attend Sunday 9AM no matter what. Then I may attend 3-4 daytime meetings as time allows. be kind be happy,
Ive been to 4 meetings in 3 days, Im getting such a rush from them, over the last 20 years Ive tried differnt ways to use or not to use, I still felt alone, I started doing my stand up comedy on stage about 6 months ago and I didnt feel alone when im up there. Now i have a place other then that 10-20 min a week when im on stage where i dont feel so differnt or alone anymore. Should I feel this good today, the day of my first meeting I found a job, cause a clean freind suggested a movie instead of going to the bar to spend my time, someone had a flat and their car fell off the crappy jack that came with the car, I always have a good jack with me, (never wanted to have a flat being drunk and be on the roadside to long out of fear of being busted). In less then a week of being sober I have a new job, in the last two days Im writing jokes again. WTF...Im looking for a sponser now, any suggestions?
A few good thoughts on this 1)people who don't go to meetings never find out what happens to people who don't go to meetings 2)I only need a meeting one day a week ,but I don't know which day so I'll go to all 7 till I do 3)half measures availed us nothing so try to make at least 4 meetings a week cause 4 is greater than half of 7 and last but not least if you think you don't need a meeting that day you better run to one cause thats probably when you need it worse

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