Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Milkman's Reflections - Aug 10 - What do we care

What do we care

Going back in my archives I came across this post from another member and it also rings true for me as so many of them did and do. Enjoy!

why do we care what ppl think about us ? so many of us take to heart what ppl say or may say about why we do things or how we look. sometimes we run away from what we want to do because we are afraid of what ppl might think. negative thoughts come into our minds when we hear jokes, words of discouragement or even ridicule about ourselves. if we let these negative thoughts in our minds we allow them to control us. through the negative thoughts we prepare ourselves to fail. if we allow our thoughts to dwell on what we havnt done, we become negative of taking another step towards what we want. if we listen to the negative we hear from other ppl, we become our own weakness and our GREATEST EXCUSE. o-----  words

I commented on the above post and here is what I said and what I still believe:

"When I hear negatives things about ME, I usually listen. Sometimes, there might be something there that I may not see. I sure don't stress over the negative, but if I agree, then I try to do something about it. But all in all, it's none of my business what others think about me, lol. "


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