Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Milkman's Reflections - Aug 11 - The Complainer

It sure is easy to complain about things, especially other people. It's easy to see faults in others but they say what you see you don't like in others reflects back on how YOU are. Think twice before you complain. The following is from writings from others on the web but they sure tell it like it is. Enjoy!

The first three times you came with the same story (they) would listen and try to help. But if you showed up a fourth time and it was the same old tired things, the others in the circle would just get up and was time you did something about it. Anne Cameron

Many of us go to meeting after meeting, talking about the same problem. What are we looking for, what are we asking for? We aren't asking for help, because we are usually given good suggestions that we reject. We aren't looking to make changes, because we keep holding on to the same problem. We may also have been in the opposite position- listening to one who keeps talking about the same problem. After hearing those people for a while, it's easy to want to tune them out. But we can change. We can ask whether we use meetings to air the same grievances. If so, we need to stop complaining and do something. If we hear another doing the same thing,we can learn from the person's unwillingness to change. We can learn the difference between stagnation and growth. I can listen and learn. If I ask for help, let me also be willing to accept it.

From Night Light

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