Monday, January 2, 2012

Milkman's Reflections - Jan 2 - A personal inventory

Milkman's Reflections - Jan 2 - A personal inventory

A personal inventory
The following questions address the general areas we want to look at in a personal inventory. There may be times when our sponsor wants us to do an inventory on a specific area of our lives, such as romantic relationships or our patterns at work, or our sponsor may have specific questions to add to this. We should always consult our sponsor on any step work we're doing.
Have I reaffirmed my faith in a loving, caring God today?
Have I sought out the guidance of my Higher Power today? How?
What have I done to be of service to God and the people around me?
Has God given me anything to be grateful for today?
Do I believe that my Higher Power can show me how to live and better align myself with the will of that power?
Do I see any "old patterns" in my life today? If so, which ones?
Have I been resentful, selfish, dishonest, or afraid?
Have I set myself up for disappointment?
Have I been kind and loving toward all?
Have I been worrying about yesterday or tomorrow?
Did I allow myself to become obsessed about anything?
Have I allowed myself to become too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired?
Am I taking myself too seriously in any area of my life?
Do I suffer from any physical, mental, or spiritual problems?
Have I kept something to myself that I should have discussed with my sponsor?
Did I have any extreme feelings today? What were they and why did I have them?
What are the problem areas in my life today?
Which defects played a part in my life today? How?
Was there fear in my life today?
What did I do today that I wish I hadn't done?
What didn't I do today that I wish I had done?
Am I willing to change?
Has there been conflict in any of my relationships today? What?
Am I maintaining personal integrity in my relations with others?
Have I harmed myself or others, either directly or indirectly, today? How?
Do I owe any apologies or amends?
Where was I wrong? If I could do it over again, what would I do differently? How might I do better next time?
Did I stay clean today?
Was I good to myself today?
What were the feelings I had today? How did I use them to choose principle-centered action?
What did I do to be of service to others today?
What have I done today about which I feel positive?
What has given me satisfaction today?
What did I do today that I want to be sure I repeat?
Did I go to a meeting or talk to another recovering addict today?
What do I have to be grateful for today?

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