Sunday, January 8, 2012

Milkman's Reflections - Jan 8 - Trusting the Process

Milkman's Reflections - Jan 8 - Trusting the Process

When we are new to recovery it can be a very scary experience. We come into the program and find ourselves in rooms full of people that we have never seen, openly talking about things that have been bottled up in us for years and we wonder how these people can possibly be sharing things like this with another human being, let alone a room full of strangers. We may be setting in the back of the room squirming in our seat and feel that everyone is looking at us and it is very common to feel alone in a room full of people, for many of us.
For this reason i believe that the single most important thing we can do for the newcomer is “Make Them Feel Welcome”!
Some of us come in thinking we are the sickest person in the room and nobody could possibly have it as bad as us. Then we hear the first three people share and we realize, that maybe we are not as sick as we think we are.
The thing about regular meeting attendance is this, we can go to a meeting thinking we are unique in the problems we are dealing with and listen to people share things that are so much worse then what we are going through and they are walking through it clean! It gives us hope and we get to see first hand that we don't have to pick up that first time “No Matter what". We learn that by walking through the pain, we come out the other side stronger, as long as we don't pick up that first time!
If you’re new to recovery, I want to tell you, “Trust The Process”! Walking through the pain and fear, reaching out to total strangers, going to meetings even when you don't want to, opening your mouth and telling people who you are and what is going on in your life, asking people you have never seen before for there phone numbers, seeking out someone to ask to be your sponsor. It’s all part of the process. We all go through this, providing we are really here because we want to change our lives. It is called, “Willing to go to any length to change our life".
Most folks that have been in recovery for awhile can tell you that they found something in these rooms that they have been looking for there entire life, "Unconditional Love", "Acceptance", "understanding,"
"Hope”,” Higher Power", "Serenity", "People they love, respect and trust", "Freedom to be who they are without judgment or criticism"!
But they well also tell you that recovery does not happen by osmosis! You get out of recovery, what you put into it! How long you stay sick and live a life full of pain and fear, is entirely up to you!
The H.O.W. of the program, Honesty, Open-mindedness, and Willingness.Honesty starts with being honest with yourself.
Open-mindedness involves trying new ideas and being open to suggestions.Willingness involves going to any length to change your life.12 Step programs are proven and time tested, they have worked for millions of people. I have found a home in these rooms and today I am living a life that far exceeds anything i could have ever dreamed possible. We Do Recovery, We Do Get Better, We Do Become Happy People That Can Live And Enjoy Life Again!
Trust The Process ( written by Jim, a member of our MSN group of the past) Thank you Jim for your words of wisdom.

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