Wednesday, June 6, 2012

daily reflections for June 6-ALL WE DO IS TRY

daily reflections for June 6-ALL WE DO IS TRY

All We Do Is Try

Can He now take them all--every one?
Alcoholics Anonymous,p.76

In doing Step Six it helped me a lot to remember that I am striving for "spiritual progress." Some of my character defects may be with me for the rest of my life, but most have been toned down or eliminated. All that Step Six asks of me is to become willing to name my defects, claim them as my own, and be willing to discard the ones I can, just for today. As I grow in the program, many of my defects become more objectionable to me than previously and, therefore, I need to repeat Step Six so that I can become happier with myself and maintain my serenity.

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