Friday, June 29, 2012

Milkman’s Reflections in Recovery - June 29

Milkman’s Reflections in Recovery

Step Two: Was there really a power greater than myself? But I was invincible; there wasn’t anything I couldn’t do if I set my mind to it! Anything I tell ya, anything but not drinking or taking drugs. I tried so many times to quit drinking and drugging, but could never manage more than a couple of days at a time unless I was incarcerated.  The jail time came more and more frequent as I got older, and finally I hit the “Big House”. Even after losing all that I had: family, friends, home, along with my freedom, dignity and self respect, I couldn’t stop the active addictions I had.

Having abandoned God so many years before, I didn’t think at first that he would help me if I asked. How wrong I was, I had abandoned HIM, HE hadn’t abandoned me. While in the Prison Program, another inmate came into my life. He was doing mail bible study and got me interested, at first to pass the time, and eventually I started remembering the early religious training I had and got into it. It was this re-association with GOD, in hand with the group sessions, and the 12 steps that let me come to believe that there was a power greater than myself that could restore me to sanity. All I had to do was ASK for help, which I did, and it was there.

Twelve step programs say that you don’t need to believe in GOD, just a higher power, but for me, I need to. I need the prayer in my life and HE is the only one I want to pray to. It works for me, maybe you too and maybe not. Whatever works for you, work it, but don’t try to do it alone. It’s OK to say “I don’t know” and “It’s OK to ask for help”. I have a long way to go but I get better every day. You can too, and you’re worth it, to yourself and your family.

“We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.”

The Second Step fills the void we feel when we’ve finished Step One. As we approach Step Two, we begin to consider that maybe, just maybe, there’s a Power greater than ourselves-a Power capable of healing our hurt, calming our confusion, and restoring our sanity.

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