Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Milkman's Recovery Reflections for Today - Helping Others

Helping others

Times are tough, and this can definitely affect addicts/alcoholics very much.  People are trying to survive in these hard economic times and this can sometimes lead to relapse for a recovering addict or alcoholic.

There are a lot of people out there that don’t have families or clean and sober friends, and with these people just trying to survive it can be difficult. It’s been my experience that if you need a place to “crash”, or something to eat, you can knock at your addict friends door and get all the above. The only problem being is that the dope comes right along with it. It’s hard to decline a “hit” or a drink, when your addict/alcoholic friend insists, and you’re relying on them to supply you with necessities of life.

What is the solution? It’s easy to tell someone that you need to get out of that situation, but sometimes that’s easier said than done. This is what I call being “between a rock and a hard place”. Some people may not have the know-how or the experience in life, to dig themselves out of these situations.  They might not feel that they have any place else to turn to for help. This is the vicious circle of addiction.

So…………. The one solution that I have to offer is to stick out my hand to anyone that I see in this situation.  To let them know where they can go to seek some help. Find out what resources you have in your town or city that people may be able to find help. Find out where the homeless shelter is. Find out where the “soup” kitchens are. Find out what Assistance programs are available.  Find out where there are places that are hiring.

It’s a lot easier to find out where these agencies and places are, when you are already in a good or decent position in life. The addict/alcoholic in need may not be aware of, or have the will or the way to find them. Spend a little time exploring the possibilities that are available for those in need and then pass them on.

People need help, and we need to help them help themselves.

Just some thoughts from the Milkman prompted by a couple of notes I received this week from a couple of folks that are coming back from relapse.

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