Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Recovery 365 - July 24 - A New Life

Recovery 365 - July 24 - A New Life

As Bill Sees It - A New Life

Is sobriety all that we are to expect of a spiritual awakening? No, sobriety is only a bare beginning; it is only the first gift of the first awakening. If more gifts are to be received, our awakening has to go on. As it does go on, we find that bit by bit we can discard the old life - the one that did not work - for a new life that can and does work under any conditions whatever.
Regardless of worldly success or failure, regardless of pain or joy, regardless of sickness or health or even of death itself, a new life of endless possibilities can be lived if we are willing to continue our awakening, through the practice of A.A.'s Twelve Steps.
Big Book page 28
We, in our turn, sought the same escape with all the desperation of drowning men. What seemed at first a flimsy reed, has proved to be the loving and powerful hand of God. A new life has been given us or, if you prefer, "a design for living" that really works.
Speaking for myself, a new life was given to me at age 53. It took a lot of circumstances coming together for this to come about and I’m glad I was aware enough to see it. All of the promises have come true for me and my life has purpose today. As said above, I was drowning and I can attest that “the design for living” given to me really works.

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