Friday, July 6, 2012

Milkman's Recovery Reflections - July 7 - Revenge


Do two wrongs make a right? Are there things that happen in life that justify revenge?

When I think of that word “revenge”, it reminds me of a lot of times in my life that I obsessed to “get even” with someone for a wrong that they did to me, sometimes just being a wrong that I THOUGHT they did to me. I didn’t want anyone getting the upper hand on me and would use any way I could think of to get the better of them.

In my younger years violence and physical revenge was common for me. If I thought I couldn’t handle the situation myself, I always had “friends” that could. In later years other ways were used, such as gossip, spreading of a rumor, words dropped about that person in front of someone that could do “harm” to someone’s reputation and even employment. Whether it was in violence or words, it was revenge in the bottom line.

Today, I think of many people that I took my revenge out on and realize that in most cases, they did that “harm” to me because of my own actions or fault. Sometimes the “revenge” resulted in my being sent to jail or some other result being worse than the original  deed. I showed’em, lol. Revenge has a way of backfiring on us in most cases.

These days I do my best to keep myself out of situations where others might do “harm” to me so there is seldom any thought of revenge on anyone. Don’t get me wrong now, as I WILL stick up for myself and family, but “revenge” is not generally an option.

Just a few quick thoughts from me as I “plot” to “get even” with you, lol. Have a great day.

Milkman Mike

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