Monday, July 2, 2012



It takes not one drop of sweat to put off doing anything.  I was tempted to put off writing this message/posting!!  Are you a procrastinator?  If you are like most people, the answer to that is "yes."  The chances are that you would rather not live with all the anxiety that accompanies putting things off as a way of life.  You may find yourself postponing many tasks that you may want to accomplish, yet, for some reason, you just keep suspending action.  This procrastination business is a mighty tiresome fact of life.
If you have a bad case, hardly a day goes by that you don't say, "I know I should be doing it but I will get around to it later."  You're "putting it off".  The immobilization zone is difficult to blame on outside forces.  It's all yours.  Both the putting off and the discomfort (anxiety) you endure as a result of it.  Procrastination is the closest there is to universal immobilization areas.  Very few people can honestly say that they are not procrastinators despite the fact that it is unhealthy in the long run.

Recovering people seem to like putting things off.  "I'll do the steps one day," "I'll look around for a sponsor when I get around to it," "I'll go to a meeting next week, maybe," "I'll post something on the site here when I stop being self-centered."  As in all immobilizing habits, there is nothing unhealthy about the behavior itself; in fact, "Procrastination" doesn't even exist!  The true perspective is that you simply 'DO' and those things you 'DON'T DO', in reality are just undone, not postponed.  It's only the accompanying reaction and the immobilization that represents neurotic behavior.  (To reiterate - There are things you do and there are things you do not do - procrastination is the excuse you use for not having done something.)  If you feel you put things off and like it then by all means hang on to it - and be responsibility for the outcome.  However, for most people procrastination is really an escape for living present moments as fully as possible!

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