Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 15 - Repetition in Recovery

I'm sure some of the members that have been with me for a few years might have noticed that I've gone back and brought up threads that we had in the past on various discussions boards we had.  Some may call it being repetitious, and I would have to agree. BUT...........repetition of living clean and sober is just what I need for ME to stay that way.

When I drank and used, I was repetitive EVERY day in that life. Got up, drank, went to the bar, drank, went to work, drank, got off work, drank, and used anything that was available.

Today, I get up, come to the various sites, post some recovery, read some recovery, try to interact a bit on whats going on with me and others, and hopefully some of what I say or post, JUST MIGHT, help someone out there, Just for Today. I go to f2f meetings whenever I can, and I'm continually thinking and acting on my recovery today.

Some of the posts I've reposted, some of you have responded to in the past, but you might try doing it again, and seeing just how YOU might have changed or come up with some new thinking in response to an old thread. I know for ME, my words and thoughts have changed the last few years, to things that come up in my life today.

I deal with things differently today, and my thoughts and words have a new meaning for me.

We get a lot of new members on our boards, and maybe, just maybe, one of these old threads might help one of them, or trigger some thoughts that they might share, that we've not heard before. That's what these recovery related discussion boards are all about.

Milkman Mike

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