Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 19 - Family Get Togethers

Some of the posts and replys on the daily check in got me thinking about my first couple of family get togethers, SOBER. For over 35 years, I never attended a family function or get together, sober. Everyone was used to seeing Mike, DRUNK or very near it. Still, I was accepted by them. That's what I call unconditional LOVE. Or maybe my family has so many alcoholics/addicts in it, that it was just considered NORMAL, LOL.

Thru the years I've spend in jail and prisons, I've missed quite a few funerals of relatives that I held very dear. It got to a point that so many of them died, that I lost track of which ones did and didn't. Most of them left this earth, due to alcoholism and addictions of their own.

When I finally DID start attending sober, at first, I felt out of place and uncomfortable. Feeling like everyone would think I was a phony or something. Felt like one, untill I started getting further into my recovery and working the steps and going to meetings. Today, I feel very welcomed and comfortable at these get togethers.

My mother finally said it! "Mike, are you still behaving yourself?" She said that in a tone that I recognized as my being such a jerk all those years that I'd visited her drunk.My answer to my mom, "Yes Mom, I'm still not drinking and I'm sober today". Boy, when I look back, I can't believe some of the things that I said or did, LOL. When I talk with my relatives (the sober ones, sometimes the ones still out there), I can feel the respect from them. Respect that I wouldn't have ever felt, unless I'd had gotten clean and sober. My word is good and trust is there. I love it, being loved and being able to love my family.

Just my Reflections in Recovery for the day

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