Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 17 - Open Mindedness

Open-mindedness can mean a lot of things to ME.  I started thinking back about 35 years when I became a first line supervisor for box plant.  They put us through a lot of management training which was ongoing. One thing that really stuck in my mind was when one of the instructors said that everyone has something to say.

Even the lowest employee has something to add if you let him/her. NEVER dismiss ANYTHING that someone has to say. You never know that what they say may be something that no one else might ever think or have enough guts to say themselves, something that might have a positive effect on the company or the operation that you supervise. For years I kept this in my head and tried to abide by it, and mostly did. BUT............ I applied this principle to my work life but............not to my personal life. I could be open-minded to those around me at work but as soon as I left work I didn't hear ANYTHING anyone else had to say but ME

Yep, it was all about Me.  Mike knew it all, at least that’s what I thought until after spending almost 2 years in recovery programs and after care and then on to the 12 step programs. I learned that I HAD to be open-minded. If I were to grow in my new life and recovery and If I wanted to stay clean and sober I had to listen to what others had done to remain that way. SO..........the ME..........turned into the WE.

So today I still follow those work suggestions that I learned many years ago, but TODAY, I can apply them to my personal life as well as my work life. There are a lot of other things that I was good at when it applied to work, and today.........I can also apply those to my personal life.

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