Saturday, July 30, 2011

July 25 - Take what you need and leave the rest

As with most things in life, there is usually more than one way to look at something, this expression being one of them. I’ve heard this expression many times, generally said to those that complain about something in the program (12 steps). I view this as a way to maybe “shut them up” for the time being about their complaints. The 12 step programs can be selfish (Concerned chiefly or only with oneself) or selfless (the act of sacrificing ones own interest for the greater good).

For me, I have been on both sides of the street (selfish and selfless) but through the years, I have learned to find balance. There are times when we NEED to be selfish, for our own good or the good of our loved ones. I’ve found that by being selfless, I usually end up being the recipient of a lot more good things in my life.

Find that balance and be at peace to yourself. We all help ourselves when we continue to help others.

These are my reflections in recovery today. Would love to hear your thoughts.

Milkman Mike

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